CanCham Board Vacancy Announcement
Dear Members,
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai is regretfully bidding farewell to one of our long-standing board members, as Gabriel Lagunes is set to relocate to Canada. We wish him well in his future endeavors!
As a consequent result, CanCham annouces the subsquequent vacant Board position will be filled on an interim basis from date of selection until the end of the current Board term — March 2023.
If any Member is interested in applying for the position, please see below:
Interested members may CLICK HERE for the 2022 Candidate Nomination Form.
Please fill out the required form, reference three member nominations, and return the nomination form to
DEADLINE: Friday May 27, 2022
According to CanCham’s Constitution, the Board shall review and elect the interim board member by vote at a subsequent board meeting. As which point the interim board member will be invited to join the board.
Thank you,
The CanCham Team