
Virtual Chair’s Roundtable Series on Logistics and Supply Chain

April 6, 2022 / CanCham

Dear members of CanCham Shanghai,

We are hosting a special virtual edition of the Chair’s Roundtable Series to discuss issues and challenges revolving around logistics and supply chain.

The online discussion will be on Friday, April 8th at 11am. 

This virtual event will allow invited members to share information and best practices related to their business operations during the present period.

The event will be moderated by CanCham Chair, Dr. Mark Ceolin and Executive Director, Matt Whately and is limited to 20 participants.

If you work in logistics, or your business depends on logistics, supply chain, or related fields, please contact info@cancham.asia to request a spot in the discussion, and we will respond with a link. 

RSVP by Thursday, April 7th, at 6pm. 

Further Round Table Series will be announced for next week!