
MOU Signing Ceremony with CCPIT Hangzhou

March 5, 2021 / CanCham Shanghai

On March 4, The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (CanCham Shanghai) and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade – Hangzhou Committee, Hangzhou Chamber of International Commerce (CCPIT Hangzhou) signed an MOU to declare their willingness to develop economic and commercial cooperation between each other, to recognize the immense possibilities of improving economic and commercial ties between Canada and China, and to facilitate a trade and strategic business alliance between both business communities.

CanCham looks forward to working with CCPIT Hangzhou to connect businesses with opportunities, to create an open dialogue for exchange of relevant information, and to collaborate on investment and trade efforts!

3月4日,上海加中商会(CanCham Shanghai)与中国国际贸易促进委员会杭州市委员会 – 杭州市国际商会(CCPIT Hangzhou)签署合作备忘录,宣布双方愿意开展经贸合作,认识到改善加拿大和中国之间经济和商业关系的巨大可能性,促进两国商界之间的贸易和战略商业的联盟。CanCham期待与杭州市贸易促进委员会合作,将企业与机遇联系起来,为相关信息的交流创造一个开放的对话,并在投资和贸易方面进行合作!