Calling All In-Kind Sponsors | 15th Annual Maple Leaf Ball
This September 17th, the CanCham community is re-visiting The Roaring Twenties! To make this event a truly special time, we’re looking for in-kind sponsors to showcase in exchange for wonderful product, service, and prize giveaways at the event!
This is an opportunity for your company to gain access and engage with CanCham Shanghai’s captive, influential and highly desirable audience – the members of the Canadian and Chinese business communities in Shanghai. Secure your place right away and make a commitment as a sponsor to ensure you gain optimum and prominent branding and promotion.
这将为你提供一个绝佳的机会,可以 接触许多来自加中两地商界的知名人 物。预留最好的赞助位,保证您的品 牌得到提升和商业宣传。加中商会将 和赞助商视为合作伙伴。我们希望与 您密切沟通,个性化定制您的赞助方 式 成为加中商会的合作伙伴,获得更多声誉及曝光度
Check our in-kind sponsorship package in English HERE.
Email your interest to